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About Growing Your Musician
As an educator, I have seen many of the young musicians I taught grow up to become wildly successful in diverse areas like music, sports, academics, and business. But not one child became a successful musician or an extraordinary adult without the involvement of his or her parents and other caring adults.
In this book we go over three major areas–getting the instrument, practicing, and skill building. In the first section, I discuss buying vs. renting an instrument, and I warn you about the pitfalls. The second section, “Practice Makes Perfect,” has two chapters–one for you and one for your child. And I call the third section “Secrets of the Pros” because acquiring the skills described there is the first step beyond being an ordinary player.
Growing Your Musician gives you the basics about being a band or orchestra parent. The main thing for now is obtaining a good quality instrument, helping your child obtain a highly qualified private teacher, helping them to figure out the best ways to practice, and learning how to listen and talk to your budding musician about music.
I firmly believe that a commitment to learning how to play music with others contributes fundamentally to successful adulthood. The thousands of children I have taught have proven that to me. I invite you and your child to travel this fascinating and fulfilling road together.
Tony Bancroft